My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter One

Chapter One – What Brock? He´s A Good Guy
– God, we thank you for the life that you give us. It is full of work and of responsibility, of sorrow and joy Today we thank you for Patricia Grace Rollins, for what she has given and received. Help us in our mourning and teach us to live for the living in the time that is still left to us.
The priest continues to talk. But you don’t manage to take it in. All you can think of is that you’re the only one left now. Your dad ran away a long time ago, you don’t even know if he’s still alive, and then Jack in-listed in the military. One time after that he came home to visit. After that you haven’t seen him. And now, now you’re standing in your mothers funeral. When you go home tonight. You’re all alone.
Jack hasn’t even called. You tried to call him. But after he joined that SHIELD thing, you have barley talked. Infact it’s been years. You left a message, he didn’t respond. Yes, you admit you’re angry at him. FINE. He don’t want to talk to you. But your mother just died. She was his mom as well. Not that he’d cared enough to notice that, after your father left. Like it was your moms fault that he left. Stupid, Jack!
When the funeral ends, everyone gives you their condolences. It feels weird. None of them offers you a place to stay, or a hand to hold. Just a hug, and an «I’m sorry for your loss». It feels forced, not real. Some of them asks about Jack. But it’s not like any of them expected him to show up. He’s so busy with that fancy security job in New York. It’s not like you or your mom ever saw anything to the money he makes. Not even when she got sick. Does Jack even care?
The second you close the door behind you back at your place. Your phone rings. Oh, great. It’s Jack.
– What do you want, Jack?!
You don’t realise how angry you sound, before Jack replies.
– Jeez, YN. Way to greet your big Brother..
What you want the most is to throw your phone into the wall. But you don’t. After all, she was his mother as well.
– I’m sorry, Jack. But still, what do you want?
He takes a deep breath on the other end.
– Listen, YN. I’m sorry that I didn’t show up today.
You shrug. Not like he sees that. But you do, anyway.
– No worries. I know where you stand..
– YN, give me a break here! I’m working my ass off!
– And I haven’t? Who took care of her, Jack? Who payed the hospital bills? Who was there for her every second of the day?
Another deep breath on the other end.
– You know that’s not what I ment! You did an amazing job, YN. I wish there was something I could do!
– You could send me some money. I’m swamped in hospital bills, I don’t even know if I can keep the house.
– That was actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a spare bedroom in my apartment. You could stay here during the summer, for free. I miss you, YN!
Now it’s your turn to take a breath. You miss him too. You had fun when you were younger. Although he’s 6 years older than you, you always had a tight relationship.
– You have a strange way of showing it, Jack!
– Come on, YN. Please! I already booked you a plane ticket. It’s first class. Check your email.
You sigh. Put your phone on speaker and check your email. He wasn’t lying, a first class flight from San Francisco to New York. Maybe you should go. It would be good to get away from everything for a while. And it would be easier to put the house on the market if you knew you had a place to stay. And you do miss him.
– Fine. I’ll arrange for my stuff to be put in storage, and then I’ll come and stay with you over summer.
– Great, YN! I can’t wait to see you again. If you need my help finding a storage. I can make that happen!
– Thanks, Jack.. That would be great. Could you maybe arrange for it to be picked up as well?
You say it as a joke. But you know he’ll say yes.
– Of course, sis! I’ll take care of it. I can’t wait to see you. I know it’s been a while. I’m sorry. I really am.
– We haven’t seen each other in nearly 15 years, Jack. Not since you came home to visit, with that stupid, obnoxious friend of yours.
– What, Brock? He’s a good guy! Hard worker. I’m actually his second in command.
Great. They’re still working together. This summer will be… interesting..
– You still work with him?
Jack clears his throat.
– Y.. Sis! I know I haven’t exactly kept in touch. But I’ll make it up to you this summer. I promise! I’ll even show you around New York.
You smile from the thought of spending the summer in New York. You’ve never been. And although you hate to admit it. It will be good to see your brother again.
– Thanks, Jack. I really need this time off. Just please tell me that we’ll see minimal of that friend of yours.
– What’s the deal with him, YN? You met him once. I was home for a week.
– One time was enough, Jack!
You say, angry. Jack laughs a bit on the other end.
– Fine, Fine, sis.. I’m not gonna push..
– Oh, shut up, Jack!
You say your goodbyes, and hang up.
You hit the shower. Wash off this day. It’s strange to live in this house without her. Ever since your mom was admitted to the hospital, the house has felt so big. You don’t need a big house like this. A small two bedroom apartment would be amazing. Not a big three story house, with four bathrooms. If you sell, you’ll be able to pay off all the hospital bills, and maybe have some to spare after that as well. In two months you’ll leave for New York. And you’re finally speaking to your brother again. Maybe things will get better, after all..