My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven – His Best Friend´s Little Sister You drag your hand out of his. He looks at you. – I don’t think that’s a good idea, Brock… It’s not that you don’t want to. But you have been drinking, just like last time. And you don’t want anything to happen. Well, you do, but […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten – Truth Or Dare You almost rip off your dress, eager to get in the shower, and wash the red wine off you. It is on your hair as well. Fuck. Stupid fucking drunk guy. And stupid fucking Brock. If this is what it takes to get a discount, you’ll gladly pay full […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine – Get Your Fucking Hands Off!! Mrs.Rumlow? Stupid ass. If it wasn’t for that fucking car, you’d be in New York tomorrow, and now… Now you’re stuck here… With him. For two fucking days. If not more. God, you should’ve found a Greyhound at that Motel. Well, too late for that now anyway. […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight – What Do You Want Me To Say, Brock? Fuck! You’ll never hear the end of this. You fall stomach first down on the bed. Shit! He’ll mock you for this the rest of the fucking trip. You turn to your back, close your eyes. You can see him in your mind. Using […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven – Arrg.. Piss off, Brock!!! The room is OK. Not the fanciest, but you didn’t expect him to put you in the Presidential Suite either. You lie down on the bed. Not the softest bed you’ve slept in, but at least he won’t be there. «You can play with your little toy… all […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Six

Chapter Six – Like What You See? – Fine, fucking keep it, Brock. I’m sure you’ll find a way to have some fun with it. You’ve ruined the thrill anyway. He looks at you. – Woah.. Hey, YN! I was only joking! You turn away from him, put your pants on. – Did you find […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Five

Chapter Five – What did you dream about? You scream your frustration down in the pillows. Fuck! His hands roaming your body. His lips, soft lips, all over you. Soft moans escaping you. He’s touching you. God, it feels so good. Your first. It didn’t even hurt when he entered you. Like some of your […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Four

Chapter Four – You´ll Never Understand Him He casually slides into the both opposite you. Looks at you. You look away. Why did he have to start this game? After a while a sweet blonde young lady comes over to you. She looks at Rumlow, almost doesn’t notice you. Of course. He has that effect […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – You´re Reading Porn! For the next hour, you go through the house one more time. Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Lights off, no stove left on. Good. A honk sounds from outside. You walk out in the hallway, get your shoes on, and grab your bag and your suitcase. Honking again. […]

My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – The stupid, obnoxious one! For the next two months, you arrange everything. With Jacks help, you get most of your stuff into storage. The stuff you want to keep, anyway. The old furnitures you can sell with the house. They go with the Victorian style house. Won’t fit into a small apartment […]

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