My Brother´s Best Friend (Romantic Rumlow X Reader) Chapter One

Chapter One – What Brock? He´s A Good Guy – God, we thank you for the life that you give us. It is full of work and of responsibility, of sorrow and joy Today we thank you for Patricia Grace Rollins, for what she has given and received. Help us in our mourning and teach […]

Twisted Reality (Loki X Reader) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – Queen Of Asgard You still remember the day you arrived in Asgard. It was beautiful. Like a fairytale. Not that Vanaheim wasn’t beautiful. But it was nothing like this. The gardens, filled with flowers and trees so beautiful you almost didn’t believe it. The waterfalls, shining like the stars in the night […]

Best Friends Forever (Bucky Barnes X Reader) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – Breakfast! When you wake up the next morning, Bucky is still sleeping. You carefully get out of bed, and take a shower. Drag one of Steve’s shirts on, before moving into the kitchen to make breakfast. You crack three eggs in a the pan, cut up some Meat, and mix it together […]

Best Friends Forever (Bucky Barnes X Reader) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – Nightmares! You turn towards him. He looks tired. His metal arm resting on the back of the couch, and he drags his other hand through his hair. Your mind goes to what Nat told you, about the kids thing. Maybe he blames himself. You feel bad for them both. They’re both your […]

Best Friends Forever (Bucky Barnes X Reader) Chapter One

Chapter One – Divorce!?! – I moved my stuff out last weekend! Natasha says, taking another bite of her club sandwich. Like it was the most normal thing in the world for her and Bucky to get a divorce. You look at her in disbelief. A divorce? Two of your best friends, you thought they […]

Bound & Brockened (Dark Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – Choices His apartment is small. Based on the amount of money he has. The first room you enter is a little hall. A few shoes neatly placed on a shoe rack, and a couple of jackets just as neatly hanging on a coat stand. He’s organised, almost like military standard. When he […]

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