Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven – Playing With Fire! BROCK’S POV: Brock wipes his hands clean on his work pants. He just did an oil shift on a car. But his head is in a totally different place. “What kind of sex do you like?”. Did you actually ask him that? “I kinda enjoy sex with you!”. That […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten – Our Story! BROCK’S POV: BROCK’S MEMORY Jack runs as fast as he can. The dry dirt under his combat boots creates a dust cloud, following him all the way from the barracks, over to the makeshift football field the soldiers set up for recreation. Jack looks down on his phone again, the […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Nine)

Chapter Nine – Perfect Day! You wake up the next morning from Brock placing a kiss on your forehead, letting you know he’s leaving for his run. And just as yesterday, you have a cup of coffee ready for him, when he returns. – Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, YN? Brock […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight – Set It On Fire! You jump in the shower the second you get inside. Eager to get out of your sweaty clothes, and to clear your head. Jess’ words still sounds deafening. “God, just do it already”, “This is your time, YN! So go do it!”. What is he waiting for? You’ve […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven – What Are You Waiting For? You’re only half awake, when Brock plants a kiss on your forehead. – Mmmm… You murmur, and open your eyes. – I’m going for my run! He says, as he plants another kiss on your forehead. You sit up, look at him. He’s sexy in his work […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Six

Chapter Six – I Feel The Love! Brock isn’t there when you get home from work. You don’t know what you feel about that at first, but when you take a quick peak into the guest room, and see that his stuff’s still there. You’re happy that he didn’t leave. After a quick shower, you […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Five

Chapter Five – Best Friends! The following Monday, you sit at your local diner, waiting for Jess and Molly to meet you for lunch. Your head is spinning around everything that happened this weekend. Work has been a drag today, thankfully you worked alone, so you had a chance to think. Just a couple of […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – You! Two hours later, you carry the bags with the snacks into the kitchen. – I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like we bought way too much chips for just the three of us! Molly states, as she empties her bag on the counter. – No worries, I’ll take […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – Red Lights! You wake up from sunlight peaking trough your bedroom window. Still hot as hell. God! When is this heatwave going to give? A cold shower, and an ice coffee, that’s what you need. And then a very long day by the pool. You walk across the hall into the upstairs […]

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