Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty – The Soldier! You follow your normal after work rutine tonight as well. A long warm shower, PJs on, and then a drink and a cigarette. You open your laptop, and try to Google HYDRA. “Did you mean hydraulicks?” – No I didn’t fucking mean hydraulicks! You mutter to yourself, as you try […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen – Captain Fricking America! You don’t manage to think. And if you did, you wouldn’t have time to. Again they take one arm each, dragging you with them back to the elevator. The only thing you manage to conjure in your head is the images of the man you just left to rot […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen – What The Fuck Is HYDRA? – Noh… A sound escapes you. Most of all you want to scream. But you know there’s no use. No one can hear you except the people in the room with you. And even if this Soldier guy wanted to help you, he probably wouldn’t even get […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen – Make Her Do It! His eyes looks dead. They’re as blue as the ocean. But they look dead. Like there’s nothing behind them. That dead look, scares you even more. This Soldier guy obviously have no conscience. – Touch him! Rumlows voice behind you. He lets go of your arms, and takes […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen – Ready To Comply! Rollins drags your head so far back, you feel like your spine is about to break on two. You try to follow his movements. In the hopes that he will finish soon. He puts one arm around your waist, and the other around your throat, drags you up, as […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen – Little Slut Is Scared, You Should Be! Finally he lets go of you. You fall backwards gasping for air. You expect to fall straight into Rumlows legs, but instead you hit the floor. You look around. Where did Rumlow go? What are they doing? Before you can finish your line of thoughts […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen – Dirty Little Slut! You don’t move, you don’t dare to. Of course you knew that this was going to be rough BDSM, but this is beyond anything you’ve imagined. Rumlows words in your head «I want you to help me live out a fantasy I have….» This is one fucked up, twisted […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen – Now, Clean It Up! You prepare yourself mentally for what’s about to happen. To stand still, to not move your arms. The stuff they do to you is punishment enough, and you don’t want to make it worse. Rumlow touches you with the wand. You shake a bit, but you manage to […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve – Now, Let´s See If We Can Make Some Magic! It’s Rollins who opens the door. He looks the same as last time. Hair held in place by hair gel, all black clothing, and that hard, intimidating look. You swallow. How is this night going to end? What are they planning on doing […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven – I´m Not Dipping My Dick In His Leftovers! You still think about Steve, when you close the door behind you in your apartment. You can’t quite shake the feeling that there is something special about him. Something different. You’re usually a person that figures people out quite fast. But this guy… This […]

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