Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten – A Non Disclosure Agreement! When you wake up the next morning you feel the effects from last night on your body. Your back hurts, so you roll out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. You’re curious how your bruises looks now, but still you’re not entirely sure that you want to […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine – Some Sort Of Super Human! You walk as fast as you can, without it looking like you’re walking fast. When you get closer to the guy in front of you. You talk as loud as you can without it sounding like you’re shouting. – Hi honey. Sorry I’m late! I sorta got […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight – How Does She Taste? When you’re done in the bathroom. Rumlow again walks in front of you, back to the office you were in. Rollins pulls out a chair for you, and hands you a glass of champagne. You sit down, and take the glass. You put your finger into the glass, […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven – She Enjoys The Fucking Pain! You can hear Rollins laugh over your head. And Rumlow lets his tongue glide over you again. – She fucking loves this! I don’t even think I need to hold her arms in place. Rollins’ voice is.. What’s the word? Condesending! He talks about you as if […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Six

Chapter Six – Listen! Don´t Fucking Talk! When you’re finally free from the desk. Rumlow takes a hold of your hair, and drags you up. The spreader bar is still on you, so you’re struggling to find a balance. Your back against Rumlow, and Rollins walks all the way up to you. You’re trapped between […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Five

Chapter Five – She´ll Fucking Listen Now! Rollins takes a hold of your throat. Again you find it hard to breathe. These guys knows exactly how hard to hold, for you to just have enough room to breath so you don’t pass out. You lift your arms and grab his, but there’s no use. Rumlow […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Four

Chapter Four – Shut Her Up! You don’t try to break free. It’s no use anyway. Your arms pinned under Rumlows legs, Rollins holding your legs apart. No one is saying anything. They hardly move. You concentrate on breathing. To not be afraid. They probably won’t hurt you too much. If they want a girl […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – I Think She Likes It! After Alexander leaves, the room goes quiet. For a while the two guys just look at you, before the tallest one takes a strong hold of your hair, yanking your head back, and look you straight in the eye. – What the fuck is wrong with you? […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – Can You Fuck Her Or Not? You bump into Jenna on your way out. You don’t know what to say to her. Or what to ask her. So you just look at her. Jenna is the first one to talk. – Are you mad at me, YN? You look down on the […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter One

Chapter One – Jack Rollins & Brock Rumlow – I’m not going there! I’ve been there once, and those guys… I’m not going back. You can fire me if you want to, but I’m not going! You can hear angry voices the second you enter your workplace. Nothing new with that. In your line of […]

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