Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter Six

Chapter Six – I Owe You Favours For The Rest Of My Life! After showering, and changing. Lizzie calls Janet. She promised she would. Like the best friends they are, they usually exchange all the dirty details of affairs like this one. Not about real relationships, or long term relationships. That would be too weird. […]

Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter Five

Chapter Five – I Have Epilepsy! A bit too much wine last night. Lizzie sleeps in. Weekend, no kids to take to school. Lie in bed all day, Reading a book maybe. Watch some TV. Lizzie turns to her side. He’s still there? Christopher is still there, right beside her, sleeping. He didn’t leave? Why […]

Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter Four

Chapter Four – I Probably Forgot How To Do It! Lizzie walks in front of Christopher into the bedroom. He follows closely behind. No one is saying anything. No need to, both Lizzie and Christopher knows what’s about to happen. The room is not big. Just enough room for a bed, clothes and a desk. […]

Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter Three

Chapter Three – The First Date! Lizzie stands in the bathroom door looking at the walls. Painted in a light grey colour. Not the best of work, but then again, she isn’t a professional painter, and being a single mom, the money for professionals to do the job for her isn’t there. This’ll do for […]

Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter Two

Chapter Two – Redecorate The Bathroom! Messages sent back and forth. Lizzie hasn’t experienced this in a long long time. To actually have someone to talk to. A grown up. Someone who answers. Someone who want to talk to her. It’s weird. She is a divorced, single mom, to three kids. She almost thought that […]

Strangers With Memories (Original Story X Rated) Chapter One

Chapter One – Christopher! He´s Good! Elizabeth or Lizzie amongst friends, leans her head against the neck support on the passenger side in the car. Looks over at Janet, one of her best friends, who is the one driving. It wasn’t that Lizzie couldn’t drive. She got her drives license after her divorce, about 6 […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Twentytwo

Chapter Twentytwo – James Something The dress from Stark arrives the following Thursday, delivered to your door. It’s a beautiful black and gold ballgown, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It must have cost a fortune. You try it on, look at yourself in the mirror. You almost don’t recognise yourself. You look like.. You […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Twentyone

Chapter Twentyone – YN? Have You Been Drinking? The whole thing is over just as fast as it started. When the dust settles, you look around. Looks like you’re the only civilian left. You stay still for a while. Trying to wrap your head around what you just witnessed. Your heart is pounding out of […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty – The Soldier! You follow your normal after work rutine tonight as well. A long warm shower, PJs on, and then a drink and a cigarette. You open your laptop, and try to Google HYDRA. “Did you mean hydraulicks?” – No I didn’t fucking mean hydraulicks! You mutter to yourself, as you try […]

Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen – Captain Fricking America! You don’t manage to think. And if you did, you wouldn’t have time to. Again they take one arm each, dragging you with them back to the elevator. The only thing you manage to conjure in your head is the images of the man you just left to rot […]

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