Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen – Secrets! You sit down around the table. Your dad at the end, closest to the BBQ, Jess on his left side, then Molly next to her. Brock on his right side, and then you, next to Brock again. You always sit like this, since forever. And although you feel that this screams […]

Home Sweet Home (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen – Nobody But You! Your dad’s car is already in the driveway when you get home. You take a deep breath before you exit your car. Concentrating on telling your dad that you stopped by Brock’s garage on your way home, with a straight face. You feel that you have “I’m in a […]

Friendly Fire (Alvey Kulina X Reader) Chapter Five

Chapter Five – Nate´s Secret! You get to Navy Street early the next morning, before everyone else, even before Alvey. You walk into the kitchen area, to make yourself a protein shake. You only had a cup of coffee before you left home. You usually have your shake at home, but you wanted to get […]

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